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Chapter 2: Face off

Carli felt a bit overwhelmed with all the assignments she had to do. Her mother had warned her that if she had not gotten on top of things from early, she would be swimming in regret and up to her ears with assignments. Carli groaned and sunk her head into the textbook she was reading. She was at the Main Library at the university's campus. She knew she was in big trouble.

She wasn't usually a procrastinator. When it came to work and study, she always did her best. Now she felt trapped, knowing she was at a place she didn't want to be and studying a degree her heart wasn't in. 

Lifting her head she gently pressed her phone's power button to see the time. It was 5:00 pm. Time for her to head to her dorm, have a shower and prepare a meal for herself. Shauna had invited her to a sort of writing club that met around 6:30 but she didn't feel like going. She took up the phone and dialed her number.

After two rings Shauna picked up. "Hey girl, what's up? Looking forward to seeing you later." 
Carli grimaced. Over the past month she realised that when Shauna didn't want to hear you back out of something she would say. "I would really love to see you there" or "It would be so wonderful if you could stop by", or this statement now, "Looking forward to seeing you later". 

Carli sighed. "That's the thing. I won't be able to make it."
"How come?" Shauna asked. "You said last week you would be available" She added matter of factly.

Carli swallowed, trying to ignore the feeling of guilt at the pit of her stomach. "Yeah, I know, but I have this really bad headache. So I'm just gonna lay down and then see if I can finish this research paper I have."

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Shauna replied, "Okay, hope you'll feel better soon." She hung up.

Carli shook her head as if to clear it from some mental fog. She hated to disappoint her. She was a great roommate but she had to get this work done and she needed to lay down. She was beginning to actually feel a pulsing, drumming sensation in her head.

Grabbing her phone, books and bag, Carli headed through the doors of the main room, and exiting the library looked up at the sky. It was a clear blue with a few white puffy clouds. The sun's rays was welcome warmth after being stuck in the air conditioned room for two hours. It was a Friday, she only had one lecture and the professor had canceled citing an emergency.

She headed in the direction of her dorm. Dragging herself slowly her head down, she never noticed the figure hurtling towards her. The young man knocked into her and Carli found herself on her bum disoriented.

"Oh, I am very sorry!" He extended his hand offering to help her up. Carli took it with reservation. 

 "You really should look where you're going you know." Carli scowled. She looked down on her clothes, using her hands, she brushed off a bit of dust on her jeans.

The young man chuckled. "As far as I recall, you were the one with your head scraping the ground. I was about to move past you when you suddenly changed direction and bumped into me!"

Carli had still not looked up into the young man's face, but now she did.

Dark bushy eyebrows, curly hair peaked out of a blue, red and white NYC cap. He was sporting a low cut beard, nicely shaped up. His full lips quirked up into a mocking smile. His eyes, brilliant hazel, were captivating. He had a strong, stubborn looking jaw that to Carli, was complemented by a charming Adam's apple and strong features of his neck and shoulders. 

Carli blinked and looked at the ground thinking of a response to his retort. She couldn't think of anything. "My apologies, I guess I was distracted," she said. Sighing heavily, she reached down and picked up her bag and books. 

When she looked at his face again she saw pity.
"First year?", he asked.
Carli nodded. 
He gave a knowing look and nodded. "Yeah, I know the feeling."

He reached out his hand for a handshake. "I'm Jason."
Carli nodded and shook his hand. "Carli."
At the mention of her name his face lit up. "An interesting name."
Carli smiled. "It's actually Carlethia. Carli is what my family and friends call me. Plus it sounds more better to me."
Jason nodded. "Okay, sounds good either way."
Carli shyly tucked a free lock of hair behind her ear. 
Jason noticed the swift movement and smiled. 
"Well okay, sorry for bumping into you. Neva' mean fi push yuh down." 
Carli nodded and smiled. "Yes man, apology accepted."

Jason hoisted his backpack over his shoulder and walked away. Then he turned around to see her watching him leave. "Uh, so I was wondering, if one of these days we could grab lunch at The Boardwalk Cafe." It was a popular restaurant on campus. Carli had been there once with Shauna.

"O-okay, sure," she replied nervously.
Jason walked back to her asked for her phone and put his number in it. Then asking for her phone number, quickly typed in the digits in his phone. He looked at her and smiled. "Okay, talk to you soon."
Carli watched as he walked away. There was an athletic bounce in his steps. She liked that.

Turning around to face her dorm she walked to the edge of the walkway, quickly crossed over the road to the entrance of her Hall. Quickly she walked to the block where her room was and pulled on the door. It was locked. She fetched her key from her pocket and turned the key and opened the door. The shock at what she saw was only belied by the seething anger that was rising within her.

Marsha was half naked on her bed with a guy. Carli's bed! Her bed! With a boy!

"No man! You come fi test my faith today?! Marsha weh you and dis bway a duh pon mi bed?!" She shouted.

She had just changed the sheets too. Outraged, Carli proceeded to drag the young man off the bed and was about to grab for Marsha's hand when she fanned her off and got up. The only thing she had on was panties.

Carli averted her eyes. 

The young man, mumbling something about going to check on his boots, hurriedly dressed and stepped out.

Carli stood, legs apart, arms folded across her chest and face like flint, looking at Marsha with disdain. "So help me god if you ever pull something like this again mi a guh give yuh a fine piece a beating!" 

"Den dem wi throw yuh out a campus an' mi wudda press charges!" Marsha shot back. "Didn't I tell you that was my bed. When I first came here I had my eyes on it!" She quipped.

"Dutty gyal!" Carli had never called anyone that before, but just now she felt it was the appropriate time for the right person. "Press yuh charges. Mi nuh fraid a lawyer. Mi have family weh a big lawyer, both here an' a forrin. Mi nuh fraid a yuh!"

Marsha started getting dressed. "Oh, I forgot." She bowed mockingly. "Your majesty!" Marsha looked Carli up and down her expression one of disgust. "Look 'ere come off a yuh high arse, a nuh yuh palace yuh deh. Nuh baddi nuh deh yah suh fi defen' yuh, yuh wi get trample!"

Carli hissed her teeth loudly and said, "By who? You?! Oh please!"
Marsha moved swiftly and stood in front of her. She took the index finger of her right hand and pushed Carli in her forehead. 

"Yuh tink yuh bad?!" She asked, daring Carli to retaliate.

Carli moved backward towards the door. She had been in fights before but not someone this tall and she had a raging headache. Still, she could feel her anger rising and the instinct to use her hand to shove Marsha violently in her face was gnawing away at her resolve not to fight. She tried to steady her breathing. She watched her opponent closely for any slight movement.

Seeing that Carli had not made a move, Marsha mistakenly thought Carli was afraid and her backing up to the door was her cowering with fear. She decided to push her point a little further.

Coming closer she started to gently but menacingly tap Carli in the middle of her chest. "Likkle gurl! A wah duh yuh eeeh? Yuh si mi yah, mi wi mash up yuh bl#%d cl@at, yere! Nuh tink seh yuh a nuh queen round ere!"

Carli looked away from her stare. Marsha was so close she could feel the warmth of her breath on the side of her face and neck. She felt herself instinctively clenching and unclenching her fists. She looked up at Marsha but didn't say a word. If she could diffuse the situation it would be best to do it now!

Carli licked her dry lips. "You're right. You're right. Maybe I overreacted. The bed sheet can change. My bad."

Marsha feeling triumphant, smiled. She slapped her open palm against the door. The loud slap made Carli jump a little. Marsha moved away from her slowly. She picked up a mini skirt she previously laid on her own bed and squeezed herself into it. 

She smirked. "Remember, a me a di queen roun' 'ere!" 

She reached for her school bag and tucked a few books in there. Yuh lucky mi have class ar mi wudda mek yuh understan' yuhself!" She bent down and reached under her bed for a pair of dark brown flip flops. Stepping into them she looked even more intimidating in height.

Heading towards the door she flashed a bright smile, Carli then had a vision of herself punching her pearly whites out, but instead stepped aside so she could pass. Marsha looked down at her as if she were looking at an ant on the floor. "Later your majesty." With a mocking look she was gone.

Angrily Carli pulled off the sheets and pillow case and stuffed them into a plastic bag. She would wash those on the weekend. Hurriedly she remade her bed with new sheets and tiredly threw herself on it. She was supposed to be at the library studying, but with the headache and a feeling of hopelessness, she felt like she had to go back to her room. Now she realised it was a good thing, because Marsha had almost defiled her bed.


Marsha sat on a bench and watched as Jason talked with a few friends from high school who had made it in Economics with him. He was so gorgeous! He was on an athletics scholarship but he also had a brilliant mind. The problem is, he came from a very poor background. His father would go away on farm work in the United States for months on end and leave him and his two other siblings, with their mother to fend for themselves. Even when he went on farm work he sent back no money. The struggle was real. His father didn't live with them and had two other baby-mothers and their kids to look after. He would give money for school stuff for him, his brother and sister, but it was usually when his mother agreed to sleep with him. 

At the age of fourteen Jason dropped out of school to find work in any shop or do any odd job he could find to help his mom. It wasn't until the guidance counsellor, who happened to be Marsha's mom, learned about the situation and intervened, that things started looking better for him and his family. For awhile Jason had even lived with them. That was when Marsha knew she wanted him, but he had other plans. 

Jason brought the food over to her. The burger smelled good! She dug in immediately. As she took each bite she looked at him. He was muscular in build but not bulky. The leaness of his physique often took her breath away and today was no different. Sensing she was watching him, he lifted his head from his food with a quizzical look. Marsha smiled, shook her head and looked away from him. They were so close, it was easy for them to read each other's body language and unsaid cues.

Jason raised an eyebrow, picked up a handful of potato wedges and stuffed them in his mouth. After washing it down with some pineapple soda, he said, "So, what was this thing you wanted to tell me that's so funny?"

Marsha took a sip of orange juice and laughed. " Oh yes! I almost forgot." 
She took another sip and folded the straw inside the cover of her drink cup. "This girl in my dorm, shi gwaan like shi a miss high and mighty, miss stushie! Well todeh, mi an' har nearly kick off! A come call mi "dutty gyal", dyam bright!"

Jason interrupted her recollection. "Suh how dis happen? A weh yuh duh?"
Marsha's eyes and mouth flew wide open. "Wait! Weh yuh mean weh mi duh?"
Jason replied calmly. "I know you."

Marsha smirked. "Well as I told you. Shi a gwaan high and mighty. Miss pure or whatever, so I did a little prank to see what she would do."

She unfolded the straw and sipped more ojay. 

"And?" Jason's eyes narrowed as he waited for her to continue.

"You know Benz? Corey?"
Jason nodded. He knew him.

"Yeah suh me an' Benz set up pon har bed like wi was about to duh tings, if yuh know what I mean. And we even mek it seem real. I had on only my panty and Benz did have on his pants but him teck off him shirt. Mi did wrap up inna har sheet the whole time suh nuh worry --if ur thinking anything."

 She hesitated a little when she saw Jason shake his head. Benz was an ex-friend from high school back when Jason was repping the 'gyalis' culture. He wasn't about that life any more, but Benz though smart, hadn't grown out of it yet. He was sure his friend now frenemy, was more than happy to help Marsha out, especially to catch a glimpse of her ample bosom.

"Go on!" He prompted, not able to hide the anger in his voice.

Not feeling so confident now, she continued. "So when we heard someone coming, we knew it was her because Shauna was at some writer's club and wouldn't be back till about 8 or 9 o'clock. Carli has only one class so I figured she would be in early."
Jason's felt his heart drop. "Uh, you just seh Carli?"
Confused, Marsha said, "Yeah."
Jason swore softly, then asked. "Is she about 5' 5", brown skin with curly hair, wearing a green sweater, white top and dark blue jeans and grey and white sneakers?"
Marsha was taken aback. "Yes. You know her?"
Jason nodded, then slowly shook his head. "Not really. I bumped into her heading from class to get over here to meet you. I knocked her over on her ass so I helped her up, apologised and we spoke a little bit from there."

Jason turned to face her fully. "That was why you were late?" It was more like an accusation than a question to Marsha's ears.

"Look you don't know this girl." She shot back. "Shi tun up har nose at me and other people. Yuh just knock over di girl and yuh tink yuh know har ar...?"

Annoyed, Jason interrupted. "I made no such claim, neither am I defending her. I asked if that was the reason you had me waiting. You know I have gym so I expected you to be early like you normally would be."
Jason was getting more angry now and Marsha saw this.
"So what happened when she saw you two?" His eyes pierced into her.
"She got mad, all call me "dutty gyal" and diss mi up, but I put har inna har place."

Jason stood up. "Marsha, when yuh a guh grow up eeh?! When? Yuh deh a college now, university! A time fi yuh cut out dem foolishniss yah! I am very disappointed in you." After berating her properly, he walked away only to say over his shoulder. "I have gym, later."

Flustered, Marsha sat there sipping her juice. He hadn't even finished his food. She knew he always didn't like when she pulled her pranks but this reaction was something different, and she didn't like it. 


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