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Chapter 4: The fool can wait.

 Marsha sat at the edge of Jason's bed and watched him sleep. He was assigned to Taylor Hall on campus and received a scholarship in track but this man decided to board at a house in a nearby community called Mona Commons. She had "borrowed" the spare key the last time she visited him and would pop in to see him unannounced anytime she felt like it. 

Now, as she sat on the edge of his bed and watched him sleep, she remembered the time when she was sixteen and snuck into his room hoping to lay beside him and maybe even have him kiss her. She had to admit when he first came home to live with them, she never wanted him there. She never liked him. It was only after he took the blame for her antics that she grew to admire him and developed a crush on him.

She remembered everything vividly. It was the first weekend after going back to school in September, her mother had asked her to clean her room and also do a small load of laundry. She did the chores begrudgingly but also rolled off reams of her mom's favorite toilet paper unto to floor and also squeezed the family toothpaste in the middle and left a streak of toothpaste in the bathroom sink that was designated for Jason. The family home had four bedrooms and three bathrooms, one with a quaint little tub, the other two with standing showers. One of the bathrooms was near to the back door across from a kitchenette turned washroom. That was Jason's to use.

When her parents bought the house they extended it, knocking out the east wall to accommodate their version of a master bedroom with a bathroom. There was plenty of yard space and with a little help from NHT and some family inheritance, they began forging the dream home they wanted. Her parents adopting Jason was a surprise to her because after the construction work was finished they said it was "ban yuh belly time" so that they could pay off the loan and save more intensely for her and her little sister's university fund. 

When he came home with her mom she saw him as an intrusive presence. It had been a week since he had been there and while he was pretty much polite with everyone, he was brooding and mostly stuck to himself. He did snap at her mom once because she had entered his room without knocking, she didn't like that. So she decided she would get rid of him. 

Her parents stored extras in the washroom in the cupboards. Extra toilet paper, dish washing liquid, soaps, etc.  When he came to live with them seven days earlier, his mom had managed to buy him two new towels, a bar of soap, a small bottle of shampoo and a tiny tube of toothpaste. His mom also bought him a jar of African Pride hair grooming oil. He also brought a few items of clothing and a worn pair of sneakers. His only decent pair of shoes were the ones he wore for school. Marsha's mom told Jason he could go into the wash/store room and take what he needed, with Marsha's guidance of course. 

The family knew however that her mom had a favorite brand of toilet paper she used, one that never gave her any gynaecological issues, so everyone stayed clear of those. Well, Marsha never told him he couldn't take one. In fact, she told him it was okay.  That Saturday morning he had run out of his own toiletries and needed a top up. So he pulled two tissues from the pack, took a toothpaste for himself and a bar of deodorant soap. 

Later in the afternoon, Jason told her he had to leave to go see his mom because his dad had come by and was asking for him, for he heard that a nice family had adopted him, sort of. She told him not to worry and waved him goodbye as she closed the door. Quickly, she went into his bathroom and rolled off the toilet paper on the tissue holder almost to the end, leaving a small piece and flushed it down the toilet. Afterwards she hid the toothpaste he took for himself and placed the family toothpaste in his bathroom and squeezed the tube from the middle and allowed a dollop of it to fall onto the sink. Then she used her finger to make a streak inside the belly of the sink. She also decided to leave the toothpaste tube open. 

 She lifted the toilet seat, got some yellow and red food coloring and tipped a few drops into the water in the toilet to give as close to the color of pee as much as possible, then she also peed in it for further effect. Next, she launched herself onto his bed and began rolling around wrinkling the bed sheets that he had neatly made up that morning.

Grinning to herself, she closed the bedroom door behind her, leaving the bathroom door ajar for anyone who was nosy enough to see, and went to her room pretending like she had done nothing wrong. 

When her mom came home she asked Marsha if she had done the laundry. She said yes, but did not remember to ask Jason if he had any laundry he wanted done. Her mom said okay she would ask him if his clothes could wait until the next weekend or if he wanted to use one of their washing baths to do his washing. Marsha nodded scrolling on her phone, pretending to be uninterested.

A minute later she heard her mom slam Jason's bedroom door shut and curse an expletive. 

Marsha prepared to look concerned. 

"Mommy, what's up?", she asked, staring at her mother while standing by her bedroom doorway. 

"That boy... that boy, Jason. Have you seen his room?"

"No," she said following her mother back into "that boy's" designated bedroom.

Marsha looked at the bed. She herself was surprised at the level of damage she had done to the sheets. She forced herself to suppress the smile that was curling up her lips.

Pretending to look around, she went into the bathroom and uttered a loud gasp. Her mother went in after her.

"Marsha, what is it?", she asked. 

"Mommy, look at this!" She took up the empty wrapper for the toilet paper, her mom's favorite brand, from the waste bin and showed it to her. Her mother started fuming. 

"Marsha...," she started, "I thought I told you to make sure Jason knows not to touch these ones!"

Marsha protested. "Mommy of course I did! Mommy mi tell him nuh fi touch dem. Mi tell him." 

Marsha's mom, Monica, observed that the toilet wasn't flushed and started speaking another round of expletives.

"Di f%@K! Can't even flush the damn toilet!" Monica put her hands on her hips and shook her head. "Maybe I was hasty in doing this, this ...asking him to come live with us."

Marsha decided not to say a word. She was getting what she wanted. 

"When your dad gets home I know he's gonna cuss me out but I will take it like a grown woman and whatever he decides we will do."

Turning around from the room she glanced the family toothpaste, hissed her teeth and walked out. Marsha giggled quietly to herself. She went back to her room, started her Math homework and waited for the show down to start later.

When Jason got back to the Miller's residence, Mr and Mrs Miller were already home. As he shut the front door he heard Mrs. Miller ask him to come into the living room.

When he entered the room the two adults had scowls on their faces. Marsha however was toying with her phone and the younger daughter Chayelle, who was ten, was watching something on her tablet. 

Mr Miller cleared his throat and spoke first. "We decided to hold a family meeting and we want you to be a part of it. Matter of fact, the meeting is about you."

Jason walked into the room slowly. "Okay," he said.

"Take a seat, son." Donovan Miller leaned forward and gestured for him to take a lone chair that had been pulled from the dining room for the purpose of the meeting.

"Mrs Miller and I wanted to do a good thing for you. My wife told me that you are a well mannered young man and that you were doing well with your grades but you were having difficulty because of family problems." Donovan cleared his throat again. "Because of all she said, though I was reluctant, I decided to go along with it for a bit because as she said, it would be your 9th grade year. Time for grade nine (9) assessment exams and she wanted you to be in a stable environment to do well in your studies and exams. However, what happened today was unacceptable and you ... I believe young man you need to go back to your family."

To Jason, it felt like his heart had stopped beating.

"Why? What did I do wrong?"

He himself couldn't believe it when his guidance counsellor told his mom that she wanted to have him stay with her for the rest of the school term and maybe into sixth form if things went well. At first he had thanked them but told them no, it would have been best if he was home so he could help his mom, but his own mother told him she wanted him to go. So at least he could get some help, and she wouldn't have to worry he would get in trouble. Now they were saying he should go home, after just one week? He had apologized for snapping at Mrs Miller but that was because she had entered the room when he was fresh out the shower and he only had a towel wrapped around his waist, that he was about to remove, it was a good thing a notification came through on his phone and he stopped to pick it up to see who or what it was from. Otherwise she would have gotten a full view of his butt cheeks. 

After he snapped at her to please leave and knock next time, he thought about his tone and later went to her while she was in the kitchen preparing dinner and apologized. She also said she was sorry saying she was always used to just entering her daughters' rooms and that she never thought about what she was doing. He thought they had moved past that.

"Well...," Jason said, looking directly at Monica. "If it's about the time about you entering the room Mrs Miller I did apologize, if there is anything else I am not sure..."

"It is about your room yes, but not about that" Donovan interrupted. 

Turning his attention to Mr Miller, he asked, "My room? What about my room?"

"Don't act clueless, boy!" Donovan snapped. "Arite, arite gwaan play like that. Gwaan guh look inna yuh room how yuh leff it!"

Jason got up from the chair and went to look as Mr Miller insisted.

He saw his bed or the bed he was given wrinkled up. The whole family came behind him. "Look inna di bathroom how yuh leff it!", said Mrs Miller angrily.

Jason did as he was told. He couldn't believe it.

"But... I didn't leave it like that! I swear." Jason felt like his head was spinning.

"An' yuh tek two a my tissue and already use off one, a weh yuh did have bwoi, diarrhea?" Mrs Miller replied sharply.

"Look inna di toilet!" Marsha shouted.

Jason looked in and what he saw made him feel disgusted.

Mr and Mrs Miller, I would never..." He appealed to stoney faces. He looked down to see Marsha's smirk and knew it was her that did all of it but also knew even if he told them it was her, her parents wouldn't believe him. 

He had a duffle bag by his bed with a few things he hadn't unpacked yet. He pulled it onto the bed and began removing his clothes from the closet they loaned him. He set the hangers aside and started neatly folding and stuffing them into his bag. He heard them cussing him out while he was doing it but didn't answer. After a while he couldn't even hear what they were saying, he zoned them out.

He took the 7:30 pm bus from their JUTC route back to downtown, and then took a taxi home. And that was supposed to be the end of that, but it wasn't. That night Chay lay beside Marsha and as she was about to fall asleep, she heard her little sister say, "I know what you did. And if you don't want me to tell mommy and daddy you will give me 10% of your lunch money each week."

Marsha turned around to face the little brat.

"What are you talking about?" Her eyes boring into Chay.

"You framed that guy!" Chay shouted.

"Keep your voice down." Marsha hissed."You lilli brat!" She continued, whispering forcefully. "He deserved it. Don't you want to have you own room back?"

"I have my own room," Chay replied. "It's you who is the squatter, staying in here with me."

"Okay, yes. so now that he is gone I can go back to my room tomorrow after mommy does some cleaning up," Marsha said.

"You know, you could have just cleaned it up yourself. He didn't bring much with him. So there wasn't much waste. As a matter of fact, he kept the room neater and cleaner than you!" He sister spoke matter of factly.

"What is this?!" Marsha sat up and looked down at her sister. "Yuh have a crush on him or sumn?" She asked in an accusatory tone.

"Me!" Chay laughed, "Nope. Boys are cool and all but I'm not sure I'm interested. Not yet anyway. Anyhoo sis, going to bed now. Make sure I get that ten percent fee in my school bag by tomorrow morning, just tuck it into the little part where I keep my pens and pencils." Chay turned her back to her to go to sleep.

Marsha doubled a fist to thump her in her back, when she heard her little sister say, "And don't bother to do anything crazy. I'm the favorite daughter, so they will believe me."

Marsha hit the bed instead, turned herself around to face the door, lay down and forced herself to fall asleep.

As she looked at Jason sleeping peacefully, Marsha also remembered when her sister ratted her out anyway. Chay had gained an extra two thousand dollars from the ten percent her sister was giving her, but she felt guilty, and one Sunday morning after the family had come from church, she started fake crying, or at least that was what it looked like to Marsha. She started crying and told her parents what Marsha did. Chay told them she felt guilty but Marsha felt it was probably because she had gotten bored with the game she was playing at her sister's expense and wanted to move on to something else. 

It had been a whole month after Jason left. To this day, Chay would always find a way to outsmart her. Though their sibling rivalry had died down, she knew that if Chay wanted to, she could get her. Marsha loved her sister. She was a good kid in her own way, brilliant and effervescent, but too smart for her own good.

Jason sighed in his sleep and turned on his right side. There was space on the bed for her to scoot in and lay beside him. Marsha's thoughts wandered again. When he came back to the Miller's residence they apologized to him profusely and promised to give him the benefit of the doubt in future. They grounded Marsha for four months. Just school, home and church, she couldn't go any where else. She hated him even more by then. Jason stayed clear of Marsha, rarely spoke to her, till one day she was being bullied at school. At that time she was tall with a skinny frame. The problem was, she had a smart mouth and would say just about anything that came to her mind. One day she took it too far and called one of the girls "a big fat mampy with a crater face". 

The girl she was talking about had terrible acne. They were in grade eight (8) and everyone acted like ten year olds at times. Name calling was common. The kids would call Marsha "Martian", "Light post", "Long gi lala", "Stick insect", and more that she didn't remember. So the girl, Rochelle, tried to pass her place with her and called her a giraffe to which Marsha retorted, "At least mi a nuh one crater face mampy!" Rochelle got mad and pushed her, so Marsha pushed her back, hard, and Rochelle fell to the ground. She had vowed to get her back after school, but Marsha never took her seriously.

When school was done for the day, Marsha decided to walk to the bus stop with her friend Fallon. She would usually wait on her parents to pick her up, but Fallon was going to tell her some outrageous gossip she didn't want to miss, so she told her mom she would take the bus, and not to worry coming for her. 

Out of nowhere Rochelle showed up with her bigger brother who was not even a student anymore. He was expelled for bad behavior. The brother, who everyone in school called 'Blacks', pushed Marsha to the ground, bent down and slapped her across the face.

"Yuh love chat bout peepul!" He said, looking menacingly at her. "Yah guh keep my sister out a yuh mouth y'ere dat!"

Marsha found the courage to speak up. Holding her left jaw, she said, "Is not me fi keep my mouth closed, is yuh sista. A she fi stop guh roun' a truble peepul!"

"Likkle gyal weh yuh seh?!" He shouted.

He was about to give a forceful slap across her right cheek, when Jason it seemed, came out of no where, and launched on him and the two of them landed on the ground tangled up in a violent tussle. Other kids that were nearby ran up to them and started chanting, "Fight!" "Fight!!" 

It just so happened that at that time a female teacher was passing by, saw the fight and called the attention of a male colleague to come and break them up.

Jason was suspended for a week, even after Marsha's mom insisted to the principal that it was Rochelle's and her big brother's fault. The principal however said that while it was commendable that he was trying to defend her daughter, it must not be perceived that violence is an acceptable means to solve conflict, especially since the reputation of the school would be called into question. They were in fact in their school uniforms. The principal did however agree to call Rochelle and 'Black's' parents in to warn them about their children, and to inform them that Rochelle would be suspended for two weeks.

While in her reverie, Jason turned on to his back again, this time throwing off the sheet, exposing his bare torso. Marsha caught her breath. So many times she had fantasized about kissing his chest and reveling in each individual pec. They were just perfect. It made her weak just thinking about resting her head on them and running her fingers through the sparse but shiny, black, curly chest hairs. 

Lawd have mercy! She thought to herself. I need a drink of sumn strong.

Jason mumbled something. Oh no! She thought. I don't want him to wake up and see me here! Carefully, she got up from the bed and crept to the door. She opened the door quietly and slipped out. She looked at her watch. It was 2 am. She had a friend nearby that she could stay with till morning. Oh how she wanted to feel his strong arms pull her close to him and shelter her until the morning but alas! 

She felt herself shiver from the cold. It was mid-November. There were a few people milling around. One of them called to her and she nodded. She pulled her phone from the back pocket of her jeans and dialed her friend's number. It started to ring.

"Hey babes," another said, "weh yah duh pon road suh late? Mine a man tek yuh weh ehh nuh!" To which the guy who was speaking and his friends chuckled. She smiled politely and was relieved when she heard Patrice answer the phone.

"Girl!" Patrice answered. "Yuh coming down now?"

Yeh girl," Marsha responded. "Right away."

She set off quickly. Crossed John Golding Road walked up to Papine and headed down as if she was walking towards Liguanea. She turned onto one of the roads across from the "Standpipe" community, Canberra Crescent, where her friend was renting a place. She would have to get Jason to change his location. It didn't feel safe there.


In the morning while Jason was drinking his coffee, black and strong, he mused to himself. Why did it feel as if someone was in the room with him last night? It felt like a familiar presence was there. It didn't always happen but it did make him nervous when he thought about it. Sometimes he wondered if he was going a bit crazy. Sighing, he shook his head trying to move past the feeling. He took a bite of his toast and fried egg. He never liked butter on his bread, maybe some mayo, or peanut butter but not butter. His mom used to say he got that weird quirk from his dad. Well, he didn't know. His dad never lived with them for him to see that for himself. 

Jason scrolled through his phone messages. He had been chatting with Carli for about three weeks. They hadn't gotten around to that meet-up yet. This second time it was his fault again, beyond his control, unfortunately. 

There was an emergency with his little brother. His little brother, Joel is asthmatic, and he had an attack just after his mother had spent the money their granny had sent their mom from Canada. Jason had taken a part-time job but it was for his own life's upkeep. He had saved about $50,000 and had to now take some of it for his little brother's medical expenses. He wasn't sorry, but he was broke. He wanted to treat Carli to something like a date so he had planned to do something simple, but he was going to use that money. When his brother got sick, his mom only had him to help, so he did what he had to do. His 'wutliss' daddy was no help!

So far he and Carli's conversations were pretty safe, no real probing questions. Just texting questions about where they grew up, their siblings, funny experiences and their majors and career goals. He got that Carli was a bit ambivalent toward her studies but he tried to cheer her up by telling her that God had a plan in all of the things that were happening. She wasn't convinced but he tried to cheer her up anyway. After this second time when he cancelled on her, he was trying to get her to commit to a new date but each time she would say she had to study, she had assignments, she was going back to Manchester to see her parents for a weekend and so on. He was beginning to think she was blowing him off.


Carli chewed voraciously into her barbi-fried chicken leg. Oh gosh! She was so hungry. She barely got a chance between classes to eat something. A few crackers, some water, that was it. It was another stressful Wednesday and she was grateful to be done with the last class for the day. To be in her dorm and to be chatting up a storm with the 'sensible' roommate. She didn't know where Marsha was, but she didn't even care.

Shauna had promised to buy her dinner from a Chinese themed fast food place in Papine, and true to her word, she did. Now she was telling Carli about a crazy cousin that lived in St. Ann that she would visit during the summer holidays when she was a kid.

"Latoya love fi climb tree, play marbles and shoot bingey like any bwoy pickney. She even guh a river a swim inna juss panty when she likkle an' neva hav' nuh bress yet!" Shauna said, a wide grin on her face.

"Suh wah whapm wen har bress dem start develup?" Carli asked. She dug her fork in a nice serving of mashed potatoes and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Yuh know seh wen dem was juss lilli buds she was a try di same ting. As a matter of fact, she get weh wid doing it one time but someone si har wid di boys dem an' tell har granny. Mi seh she get some lick. Mi did deh deh fi seet. Mi did tell har seh Trudy, yeah Trudy is har pet name. Mi seh Trudy mi nuh tink is a good idea enuh. Granma Pat soohn cuhm back, suh betta we stay close by. Plus yuh nuh si seh yuh start buss bress? Yuh wah di likkle bwoy dem si yuh titty dem?"

Carli almost spat out the grape soda she was drinking. She managed to swallow, then let out loud shrieks of laughter. After she calmed down, she said, "Titty....!" Her body shook with laughter. "Yow! Long time mi nuh hear nubaddi use dah wud deh enuh!" More laughter. 

Shauna was also laughing really hard, her eyes started watering. "Yeah man..." Laughter. "A dat mi did seh. Mi was about ten, she was twelve at the time."

"Suh wah happen afta dat?" Carli was captivated by the story now.

"As mi seh shi guh di riva near di community, strip down to panty an' jump een. Mass Roy one elda inna di community si weh she duh an' pass by di market an' ask fi Miss Pat an' tell har weh mi cuzzin duh. Har granny used to sell ground provisions inna di market. Anyhoo, wen Granny Pat cuhm home shi give Trudy a good whipping. Hear Trudy wen shi a get di lick dem... 'Whoiee! Whoiee! Granma lie dem a tell pon mi! Lie dem tell! Nuh bwoy neva inna di riva wid mi. Dem a si doubles.' Den shi change har mouth an' seh, 'But Granma is not a crime mi duh. Mi not even have bress yet!' Mi seh Granny Pat start seh 'Weh yuh seh?' A Mass Roy himself affi cuhm save har. Him did ah pass back from him grung suh wen him hear di bawling him turn in down Granny Pat walkway an' si wah gwaan an' seh, 'Pat! Pat hooeeyy! Mi tell yuh fi warn di chile, not kill har!'"

Carli chuckled, took up her paper napkin and wiped her hands and lips with it. "So where is your cuz now?", she asked.

"United States Army," Shauna replied. "She will always be a tomboy." She smiled. She went to her bag, pulled out her phone, surfed through the photos in 'photo gallery', found a picture of Latoya and handed the phone to Carli, so she could get a closer look. 

"She looks great," Carli said, observing the low cropped hairstyle under the beret she wore. She had a proud smile on her face. She was an attractive young woman with piercing eyes. Carli handed the phone back to her friend. "She looks happy," she said.

Shauna put the phone back into her bag. "Yeah, I guess she is."

Sitting back on her bed in their dorm room, Shauna looked suddenly serious. "And what about you?", she asked Carli. "Are you happy?"

Carli was thinking of a way to deflect away from the question when her phone rang. Quickly, she jumped up to answer it. Reaching for it on an antique desk in the room, she realized it was Jason calling. She answered.


"Hey," he replied, "What's up? Been trying to get you on Whatsapp. Yuh gud?"

"Yeh man. What's up?"

"Well, still thinking about that lunch I promised you. Instead of eating at Boardwalk Cafe I was thinking we could have sandwiches, some fruit and good company." 

"Okay, cool, but who is 'the good company'?

"Touché," he replied. He could feel she was smiling. "Yeah, about that last time, I am sorry. You know, I told you what happened to my little bro. Couldn't be avoided. But I want to make it up to you. You have been distant with me still. Been wondering if you might be blowing me off. Has my charm worn off so quickly?"

Carli gave a little laugh. It was like a little chuckle but it was so sexy to his ears. He didn't realize he was holding his breath. Breathing in deeply, he asked, "Well?"

"What charm? The only charm I have gotten exposed to is you bumping into me and causing my bum to hurt after," she teased.

Jason laughed. He liked her sense of humor.

"Okay, okay. Seriously though, I wanna take you out tonight. I know a place. What d'yah say?"

"I am kind of full... but, I can manage some ice cream." Carli found her mood improving. She did like him.

Jason nodded at the phone. "Okay, ice cream it is then. Come for you at around 7?"


Jason heard a strange tone in her voice, something that intrigued him. He felt his heart pound.

"Okay. See you in half hour." Jason heard his voice dip to a soft, gentle tone. What was this thing that had come over him?!

"Okay," she said.

Carli hung up and turned around to see Shauna staring at her looking pleased as a satisfied puss.

"And who is that?", she asked batting her eyes.

"Just a friend." Carli said heading to the shower.  "You okay to clean up?"

"Yeh man." Shauna nodded. "No problem."

Carli grabbed a towel from a hanger in the closet. Retrieved her favorite body wash from her drawer and closed the door behind her.


Jason stood near the entrance of Seacole Hall waiting on Carli when Marsha walked up to him, excited to see him.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Did we have plans and I forgot?" She looked him up and down. Damn he smells good! What is that cologne? She wondered. He also looked really nice in a fresh white t-shirt and a pair of light blue jeans, and new timberland boots. He also wore a jeans blazer that she had never seen him in before. 

"You on a hot date or sumn?" She was joking, but when he didn't answer she got suspicious.

She managed to keep the smile plastered on her face. "So, where you going? What you up to?"

"Just meeting a friend." He answered tersely.

"Oh really. I thought I was the only friend you had on Seacole?" 

He looked at her then looked away. He was eyeing the entrance to the Hall. She was more than curious about who he was looking for. Marsha felt anger rise within her. She reached up, grabbed his chin and turned his face towards her. "Look at me!"

Just then as Carli was heading out to meet Jason, she heard Shauna say, "Have fun. Not too much fun."

"Okay." she replied giggling.

As she was walking past her block and out to the entrance way of the Hall she saw Jason and Marsha. The body language between them seemed awkward. Luckily, Marsha had her back turned to her and while Jason was facing her way, his focus was on Marsha. He looked quite annoyed. Were they arguing?

Yes, they were! 

The exchange looked unpleasant.

She wondered what the nature of their relationship was. The way Marsha's body language looked it would seem as if she was a girl friend or an ex maybe. Carli wanted no part of that.

She quickly trotted back inside the Hall and hurried up to her room and closed the door.

Shauna turned around. She had toothpaste and a toothbrush in hand. "Hey," she said, "back so soon?"

"Yeah. He didn't show." Carli sat on her bed and removed her flip flops.

"Oh, so it was a guy!" Shauna started to grin.

"Yup, but let's not get into that please." Carli started to undress. She threw on a nightgown. Folded the clothes she just took off and stuffed them into a plastic bag. For wash day. She thought.

She pinned her hair up into a loose ponytail and covered it with a silk kerchief, lay down and turned her body to the wall.  A single tear rolled down her cheek. She squeezed her eyes shut.

Meanwhile, Jason looked at the time on his phone, 7:30 pm. Carli wasn't coming it seemed, and Marsha would not budge.

"Who is she Jason? Tell me!" 

He read jealousy all over her face.

"Marsha, you know what it is. We're like brother and sister." He folded his arms across his chest.

"All the more reason to tell me who she is. Don't we tell each other everything?" Marsha stood with legs apart, hands on her hips.

"Look I'm not gonna argue with you. See you tomorrow, if anything." Jason took two steps back, turned around and walked away.

Marsha was hopping mad. Who the hell would dare think they could take away what she was working so hard and long to have. She had been waiting so long for Jason to see things her way! The relationship between her and him was meant to be, even if he didn't see it yet. She would have to convince him in no uncertain terms that he was hers, Only hers!


Jason punched a wall in his room. Women! What was he thinking? Carli never forgave him for flaking on her the first or the second time. Why did he even bother?! And Marsha. Damn that girl! Something was wrong with her. This possessiveness was getting to him. What a fool he had been to think he understood women at all.


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Carlethia James stretched sleepily across the backseat of the car. They had driven in from Mandeville and had just arrived at the university campus in Kingston. She was quite happy going to the university in her own parish, Manchester, but her parents insisted that going to a university outside of her home town would be good for building her character and give her good exposure to the hustle and bustle of the capital city --if ever she wanted to move there for work, that is, if she needed to. Indeed, she was a sheltered child, something her parents made sure was the case, so now their sudden concern about her getting more exposure to different people and things, though commendable, was a bit confusing. She only had two friends, and they were her friends from prep school days till now. Her parents were quite okay with that, until four months ago when her bestie out of her two friends got pregnant. Carlethia stifled a yawn. She wondered what her parents were up to. Mrs. James, Carlethia&

Chapter 3: Maybe or maybe not

  Sharon impatiently paced back and forth on her living room floor. Why was Carlos taking so long to get home? He said he would be home by 7 pm, now it was 10:30 and she was getting a little annoyed. Dinner was being kept warm in the oven but she felt icy cold in her heart. This was the third time this week he was pulling a stunt like this, and she had to eat alone. He would say he would be in early and then somehow he would be trudging in very late, with some silly explanation.  Yes, he was an engineer at the water treatment plant, supervisor albeit, but these weird hours he was now coming home were getting to her. When she asked him what was going on, he would just say, "Work stuff. Nothing to worry about."  She missed their conversations while having dinner. They would go to the living room to repose in the loveseats together, sip their after meal tea and talk about their day at work. He would often have her in stitches as he told her about his co-worker Delroy and his hum

Chapter 2: Face off

Carli felt a bit overwhelmed with all the assignments she had to do. Her mother had warned her that if she had not gotten on top of things from early, she would be swimming in regret and up to her ears with assignments. Carli groaned and sunk her head into the textbook she was reading. She was at the Main Library at the university's campus. She knew she was in big trouble. She wasn't usually a procrastinator. When it came to work and study, she always did her best. Now she felt trapped, knowing she was at a place she didn't want to be and studying a degree her heart wasn't in.  Lifting her head she gently pressed her phone's power button to see the time. It was 5:00 pm. Time for her to head to her dorm, have a shower and prepare a meal for herself. Shauna had invited her to a sort of writing club that met around 6:30 but she didn't feel like going. She took up the phone and dialed her number. After two rings Shauna picked up. "Hey girl, what's up? Looki